Who is Everard?

My  name is Everard van Kemenade.  I am your coach in change. I thrive in situations where change is emergent. I support your organisation, your teams, your individual employees to improve the quality of the work. I am trained in NLP and a quality expert. I am an audit expert.  I have done surveys and audits in many different audit schemes. Health Care  and Education are the two sectors I focus on.

I love to do research on emergent change. I am member of the Editorial Board of the Vietnam Journal of Education.

Creating a quality culture is my first passion. Working in an intercultural environment my second. I have a lot of experience in working in the Caribbean, The Middle East, South-East Asia and Africa. One of my most important values is that one needs to have respect for the model of the world of someone else. 

I am co-founder and secretary of SYNERGY, the emerging Caribbean Learning Community for Leaders in Healthcare. I am a member of the Dutch Academy for Quality. I am co-founder and member  of the Sustainability Alliance that promotes sustainability in organisations. In general, one can say, I have a growth mindset.

I am proud to be a member of the European Health Futures Forum, a living architecture for transformative change in healthcare.

I am a notorious fan of music, especially music by Frank Vincent Zappa. I love his quote: “Progress is not possible without deviation from the norm”.

I have a lovely wife, two children and three grandchildren (all girls). O yes, and we have a stubborn dachshund, called (David) Bowie.

For more information visit my LinkedIn Profile or read my Curriculum Vitae.

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